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Community Solutions Podcast

Nov 29, 2018 What does government do when they want to do something that they can't afford? Yeah, I know, that's an easy one. They tax us. But there are so many ways that they can choose to do it... and that's where it gets complicated. Budgeting for it in the property tax levy, bonding, general assessments, franchise fees, local option sales tax, and the list goes on longer than your arm. Sometimes there are functions of government that are so costly that they can not ever be maintained by some single governmental entity (like police, fire, or running a rural hospital). Sometimes projects are so vast, that multiple entities come together to govern it together (watershed district, new development project, gang task force, etc). Small cities and townships (and sometimes counties) join together to operate these governmental units, called joint powers agreements. Some have taxing authority, and some have tax dollars appropriated to them from the entities that run them. Regardless, they are a vital part of Team20k that need good and men and women across the state to volunteer to get involved and act on behalf of their communities with a small government mindset and common sense policies.

Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast“! You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

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