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Community Solutions Podcast

Apr 26, 2020 Andrew is back in the secret bunker this week and we spill the beans on his absence. Pause the podcast and enter your guess before we tell you!

There are going to be a number of impacts the city, county, and school governments because of the downturn in the economy. Tax collections in this...

Episode 158- When The Rubber Hits The Road

Apr 26, 2020 Andrew is back in the secret bunker this week and we spill the beans on his absence. Pause the podcast and enter your guess before we tell you!

There are going to be a number of impacts the city, county, and school governments because of the downturn in the economy. Tax collections in this...

Apr 20, 2020  Well, we are in the middle of an indefinite lockdown, and I think we are all losing track of time. That’s OK, because according to the federal government and the state of Minnesota, money is flowing like water! It’s true and you are able to get your hands on some of that green yourself......

Apr 12, 2020 Come rain, snow, or CoronaVirus, we here at Community Solutions MN are dedicated to bringing you a fresh, new episode of the podcast. This state is tracking your cell phone data. They set up an East German, Stasi-like tip line on which to report your neighbors for congregating. It's like a race...

Episode 156- Government is Force

Apr 12, 2020 Come rain, snow, or CoronaVirus, we here at Community Solutions MN are dedicated to bringing you a fresh, new episode of the podcast. This state is tracking your cell phone data. They set up an East German, Stasi-like tip line on which to report your neighbors for congregating. It's like a race...