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Community Solutions Podcast

Nov 28, 2022 It's time once again to do the mess around. We are going to take you to some The Marcy-Holmes neighborhood association in Minneapolis is pushing to rename Marcy Park. I'm sure that no one even knows who William Marcy was, but yet we need to erase our history. Keith Ellison waved his hand, and...

Nov 15, 2022  Well, here we are. The Republicans found a way to screw things up again. The Democrats are fully in charge in MN. So what does that mean? What kind of policies can we expect? What can we expect in Southwest Light Rail? Will it get finished? What does that mean for the Blue Line Extension?...

Nov 7, 2022 There are a whole bunch of things to consider when you step into the booth to vote. We've heard so many times about how difficult it is to know which local candidates to vote for. It can be easy to cast a vote when a candidate is a Republican or a Democrat. They are a little more publicized. You...

Nov 1, 2022 Today we bring you the story of some Minnesota cities that have asked for obscene amounts of taxpayer money to pay for things that they haven't planned for in advance or that nobody wants. There hasn't been so much begging for pork since the 1930's.

Emily Larson, mayor of Duluth, took a