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Community Solutions Podcast

Oct 24, 2024 VP Kamala Harris recently sat down with 60 Minutes. That used to be a huge interview to get... now it's met with a collective "meh". Kamala didn't say anything worth repeating. In fact, CBS was caught red-handed swapping out at least one answer that she bombed for another one. The media is in...

Oct 26, 2023 If we want to change the direction of our government, it takes us getting serious about our local elections. Top-down government never works, but yet we almost completely ignore the offices that are closest to us. The real problem is that we are playing a game that progressives created and...

Oct 17, 2023 Our fantastic legislature passed a 1% increase in the sales tax this year that just took effect. This pushes Minneapolis' sales tax up over 9% and St. Paul is almost at 10%! Of course, the DFL wants to claim that this increase is "for the kids", yet the kids never seem to be any better off. Our...

Oct 10, 2023 We hear all around us about the impending doom that is climate change. A group called C40 Cities in collaboration with Arup advisors have come up with some ambitious climate goals so that we can all save the earth... or something like that. There's a problem, however, that if we do these...

Aug 14, 2023

Golden Valley is a mess. In their pursuit for "equity" they are destroying the city. They wrote an equity plan that required all contractors looking to do business in Golden Valley to answer certain equity-related questions. They put equity ahead of fairness and have a plan to ensure things work that way. Equity has...