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Community Solutions Podcast

Aug 29, 2019 Some business owners in your community come together under the guise of the area chamber of commerce. How much do you know about these groups?  They exist to promote commerce and capitalism, right? Then why do groups like the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce stump for issues like mass transit, multi-modal transportation, opposing initiative and referendum, and equitable elections? They take positions and also assist candidates with endorsements through their PAC. There are locally-based chambers across the state of Minnesota, such as: Edina, Grand Rapids, the Mankato area, New Ulm, and the North Metro. A number of these local chapters don't necessarily list out their positions, but you can find where they have come out in support of issues, such as many across the state who support the building of new rail. Local businesses need a group that will speak up to government on their behalf, but as you will see here, it's so important that business owners know what their chamber of commerce supports, as all of it isn't necessarily in their best interest.

We also need to clear the air regarding the recent dust up with the nemesis of our origin story. Like the Green Goblin continues to pop up for Spider Man or Lex Luther for Superman, the former mayor of Crystal pops up in ours. Now, we don't want to give her any unnecessary press, but we need to remind you who she is once in a while. It accomplishes two things: that she doesn't ever get elected to anything ever again, and so that you know how to handle a politician that tries to silence you through name calling and intimidation. Come hear the tale about how we allegedly rule the city of Crystal as a big, scary hate group. Muahahahahaha...

Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

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