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Community Solutions Podcast

Jul 26, 2019 There are few things as hard to understand as state school funding. It's not just $xx.xx per student. Is that pupil in special education? Is he or she on free and reduced lunch? Enrollment as a whole needs to be considered. There are a whole number of other factors that weigh into that cost....

Jul 19, 2019 Week in and week out, we advocate for people to stand up and get involved in their communities. We give you story after story about the trends and harmful policies that affect all of your communities. Garrett Christianson noticed that something wasn't right in Elk River, MN. The city wanted...

Jul 8, 2019 City government is where our elected leaders are supposed to be closest to the people, yet sometimes they act as far away as those in St. Paul or Washington. They act completely removed from the people and act according to their own misguided intentions with no regard as to the wishes of those...