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Community Solutions Podcast

Jul 21, 2020 It’s peak COVID Day!!! Well, at least it was supposed to be, but the experts were once again waaaaaayyy off. They were only off, however by 96% on occupied hospital beds and 99% off in deaths. Yet the emergency continues. Had enough of the scam, Minnesota?

How do you know how dishonest a city...

Episode 168- Masked Fascism

Jul 21, 2020 It’s peak COVID Day!!! Well, at least it was supposed to be, but the experts were once again waaaaaayyy off. They were only off, however by 96% on occupied hospital beds and 99% off in deaths. Yet the emergency continues. Had enough of the scam, Minnesota?

How do you know how dishonest a city...

Jul 10, 2020 Back in the 20th century, we had a good idea of what socialism/communism were, and that we wanted no part of it. Within just a few short years, my how things have changed. Why has society seemed to disintegrate overnight? Believe me, this wasn't an accident or a surprise to those that have been...

Jul 2, 2020 There’s still a ton of news happening about protesters, tearing down statues, defunding police, autonomous zones headed up by anarchists, etc, etc…. we, however, have made an executive decision to take a week and add our voice to those asking for transformation of our government. Our wish...

Episode 166- King For A Day

Jul 2, 2020 There’s still a ton of news happening about protesters, tearing down statues, defunding police, autonomous zones headed up by anarchists, etc, etc…. we, however, have made an executive decision to take a week and add our voice to those asking for transformation of our government. Our wish...