Apr 25, 2018
www.commsolutionsmn.com- In this episode, we discuss the local initiative and referendum process. We've seen two extremes occur where local city councils have nullified petitions in dubious ways to stifle the voice of it's residents. Then there are cases like California that seem to have an endless number of referendums...
Apr 18, 2018
www.commsolutionsmn.com- In this episode, Jason and Andrew address the "mysterious" achievement gap in our public school system. Is the achievement gap real, perceived, or manufactured? How can it best be measured? Is every child created the same? It is the go-to issue that our schools claim is holding back minorities...
Apr 11, 2018
In this week's episode, Jason and Andrew interview Tom Slupske from RE/MAX Results and Kim Edwards from CorTrust Bank. We've long contended that Crystal is one of the best cities in the metro to live in. It's current city council has made life in the city more enjoyable for its residents,...
Apr 4, 2018
www.commsolutionsmn.com- This week Jason and Andrew discuss some of the issues that both local and state government seem to be fighting over lately. In some instances, its a race to the bottom, and in other cases the state oversteps its bounds in putting regulations upon local entities. We talk about gun-free...