Apr 26, 2021
www.commsolutionsmn.com- The Democrats in Washington DC are proposing a $2.3 Trillion infrastructure bill. Bills like this have a local effect. The President has proposed $621 Billion for bridges, roads, public transit, and rail service,. $400 Billion is being set aside on affordable healthcare for the elderly and...
Apr 19, 2021
www.commsolutionsmn.com - It's a critical time in the Twin Cities right now. The Derek Chauvin trial is going on and the peace of the Twin Cities balances on the head of the pin. Enter another disastrous situation, as a Brooklyn Center officer pulled over a young man that had a warrant out for his arrest for attempted...
Apr 13, 2021
www.commsolutionsmn.com- Duluth mayor, Emily Larson, recently gave her state of the city address. She boldly stated that she wants the city to become the greenest in the country. One huge problem... it will kill the city. Over decades, Duluth has driven out industry (Clyde Iron, Diamond Tool. etc), and this will only...
Apr 5, 2021
www.commsolutionsmn.com- Recently, the Anoka-Hennepin school district was sued for $300,000 from a transgender female student that wanted the right to change in the boys locker room, despite having a separate space provided for her. She is a fourteen year old child that doesn't have the freedom to get a tattoo,...