Aug 23, 2021 Last fall, the Minneapolis Charter Commission expertly tabled a resolution from the City Council to disband the Minneapolis Police Department. Now outside funding from George Soros' Open Society has given money to circulate a petition to go around the Charter Commission and get the question to change the charter on the ballot this coming November. Now all of these special interest groups like OutFront MN, ISAIAH, Our Justice, Socialist Alternative, MN Hospitality Union, Women for Political Change, Recall Mike Freeman, Take Action MN, Reclaim the Block, and more have all joined together to roll out the astroturf and get this pushed through using a group called Yes Minneapolis. If you look at the campaign finance report 78% of the donations come from people and groups outside of MN. Tides Advocacy, Black Visions Collective, and the National ACLU, have all donated tens of thousands of dollars each. Even the Minneapolis Teacher's Federation supports this measure. They are out of control!
The question is super confusing, and it's on purpose. All I can say is that you need to "Vote No". This gets rid of the police department and replaces it with a Department of Public safety that may hire police officers, as needed. It also takes the authority away from the Mayor's office (Jacob Frey), who currently supports this. Where is the organized opposition to this, by the way? Do you really want this to pass? The numbers say "no", but there needs to be a rising up. The surrounding suburban cities are all seeing a rise in crime that can be traced back directly to Minneapolis residents. Minneapolis, as the largest city in the region, has a responsibility to the other metro cities that it's actions affect. Maybe local mayors and police chiefs should get together and sue the city for an injunction. It's time to do something before the entire Metro area inherits the rise in violent crime we've seen in Minneapolis, and the whole place gets a lot more dangerous.
Also, it's history lesson week... great.
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